First, I found great delight in this story. Doesn't make a goddamned bit of difference whether or not I agree with you.
Second, upon reading the comments I am yet again shocked at the insensitivity of the people who bark at you. You wrote about this before. I wanted to weep. For Christs' sake, is this REALLY the time, place and venue to come after a mom who lost her son? Is it really?
The commenters might want to - but won't- think long and bloody hard about the harm they can and might well be doing to attack, undermine, doubt, downplay, disregard and deny what you choose to feel, believe and wrap around your son. Honest to god. Don't like the story? Don't agree with it? GTFU and Move. ON. Who comes after a grieving Mom?
Don't get me started. You're a big girl, but you've been sideswiped by grief. Why on earth do people feel they have to further open wounds by laying waste to a few moments of grace?
Don't like the story, don't agree with it, read something else. Shut the fuck up already. And when it's your turn to make sense of the senseless, let's see how YOU feel when people rip barbed wire across your heart, folks.