This has far more to do with the universal and immensely invasive patriarchal belief that the female body belongs to the state. Of men, if you will. When not for fucking pleasure, then for producing progeny. For men’s pleasure, if you will. Clearly we as women don’t deserve a say in this. After all, we may inhabit the damned thing, feed it, exercise it, groom it, but we sure as hell don’t own it it. All you have to do is look at the more than 400 plus laws on the books in the USA that govern women’s bodies. For men?
None. As in zero, zilch,nada. If that isn’t a superb fuck you ( literally and figuratively) to our half of the human race, I don’t know what is.
For my part, I never wanted kids. As a 66 yo Boomer, best goddamned decision image about my body. That was my FU back to all the puerile demands. Did it at 27, would have at 13 if I could have found a Dr. As it was it was a challenge to find one who didn’t lecture me. I stated my case, he nodded, that was it. What a relief. Boulder, CO, not today’s Boulder. 1980. Now that was an emancipated doctor.
Nobody has any right to question your decision. If you get this again you might fire back why the fuck he hasn’t gotten castrated? Might be an improvement. It’s just as rude.