Barry, you are welcome to your opinion. You have no idea where these people began, nor what battles they fought to get to this point. The outright dismissal of this as "selfie" is, kindly, breathtakingly ignorant. You aren't in this world, and you have no clue whatsoever the journey that these people were on to get to the point where they had any kind of confidence at all. What a mindless, unkind and ridiculously unfair comment, Sir. Education is a fine thing. Your profile copy says you wrote a book about kindness. Well, Barry, if that's true, then you might want to practice what you preach, for this kind of observation is utterly out of integrity.
But then, that's my unsolicited opinion, just as your uneducated and unkind opinion was unsolicited.
Good luck on your journey. You are not welcome on my feed and with this you are muted.