At the risk of offending, Robin Sharma, AND all the other idiot gurus who bark at people about what they should do before 8 am, are full of shit.
I wake up at three. It fucking sucks. And I wake up at three no matter when I went to bed the night before. This is what sometimes happens later in life. I was a 5 am girl, about six years ago the inner rooster said fuck you, I'm waking you up two hours earlier. Anyone who does the research on sleep patterns, which M. Sharma has not, knows that sleep patterns, like yours, Iva, are as individual as a fingerprint. I have no regard whatsoever for people who bark at others about productivity in the first place, and especially about how you can CRAM so much more shit into your day before eight.
Look, for me 8 am is half the day gone. I've learned to hit the sack by 7:30 or be comatose the next day. BOOM, no nightlife. Not ever. If I ever did have a hot date, it would have to start about 3:30 pm. This productivity hack bullshit is and was always bullshit to begin with, and the idiocy around early am rising just underscores it. I've written about it plenty. In my world, by 5 am I have my first workouts done and at least one article. Not because of some idiot productivity hack, but because my body bloody well gets me up so early. I don't need coffee to wake up. And despite the fact that Marky Mark famously rose and may still rise at 2:30 am to do his workouts, neither one of us deserves a goddamned hero button. It's how these bodies are wired. There is no magic to it. What's magic is to stop reading idiots who push productivity hacks in our faces as if we need another drill sergeant to tell us that we are only valuable based on what we produce. I am with Kristan, below. That's real life. I did not sign up to wake up so early. And just because I do, does not mean that I have the right to bitch at others that they should. That is what gets my goat. You and I are not what we produce. We are how we live, love and enjoy life. And for christ's sake, if you are a late riser and your best hours are between 10 pm and 4 am, who the hell has any right to tell you you're wrong? I vote for shutting down all the idiot hack gurus.