As someone who spent fifty years in Colorado, and who was well familiar with the wind tunnel that is formed by a unique group of mountains in that area, this was no real surprise. Any damned fool who bothered to look would notice the test wind farm at the north end of Rocky Flats. Why? Big winds, stupid. We regularly saw those winds rip the shit out of the area this time of the year. Developers, and I spit when I say that, chose to put endless matchstick poorly-built homes cheek by jowl just like in California, gobbling up grazing and wildlands. Too many people sucking up too much water in a parched area that can't even produce its own snow any more. So now the NOAA climate scientists, who can't afford to live in Boulder, probably lost their homes. Where I live now, I landed just in time to have massive, major fires roar in a once in a 100 years brutal windstorm + fire that nearly roared into Eugene. Then, the 112 degree weekend. Not only are things speeding up, but we are past the point of prevention.