Amazing, isn't it, how much we love to stick our noses into other people's beeswax and tell them how to live their goddamned lives? I ventured to read part of the essay mentioned, vomited, spat and flipped a bird at the thoughtless (expletive) who wrote it. NOBODY gets to determine for ANYONE else what their ideal life is. How is such stupidity any different from men imposing their will on women who don't want to have a baby after a rape?it's still trying to impose body agency over someone else whose choices don't happen to align with one's own. I still identify as a feminist in the broadest sense of the world in that I wish to see women treated with the same regard and respect as men. Beyond that I refuse to get in the weeds with people whose brains resemble limp spaghetti on a good day. Such arguments lead us nowhere. How desperately such people need to control others when in fact, they telegraph to the whole wide world how desperately out of control of their own lives they are, that they would write such a piece dictating to those of us childless women- and in many cases by joyful, happy choice- that we are barren wrecks of a life. For my feminist dollar, the ability to acknowledge and SUPPORT any woman's choice to make her way in this life however she chooses, by being a mother, not being a mother, by choosing female company or no company, or even by becoming a man is real power. That way we demonstrate how unthreatened we are by all the immense and potent variations on what being a female means. Such articles about how childless women are a pox on society are to my mind written by terrified people in dire need of making sure everyone agrees with them. We don't all agree with them. And that doesn't make us any less a woman, or a goddess, if we choose, or by life's design in your case to date, Yael, to not have kids. I wouldn't think of criticizing her choice to procreate. How dare other women attack and demean the many of us who chose, for our own perfectly good and sacred reasons, not to. That's not feminism. That's just hateful.