All topics I write about for those very reasons. Age begins between our ears. I have to scrimp to do the things I do, and most often I am trading my writing skills for experiences. Since I live primarily on a disability income (sure can’t count on Medium!) you can’t accuse me of having substantial resources. That said, I’ve found lots of ways to get things done. And no, I”m not typical, because I refuse to buy into the ageism which is pounded into us from all angles, to your point. Some of the worse hate comments I get are from other older folks. I didn’t create that. Society did, again, to your point. I’ve got one heck of a lot of articles about those very things. Agree completely. But WE have to make those choices inside us not to believe that our value is diminished by our age. AND we also have to be responsible about our health, diet and movement, which far too few are, and those choices add fuel to the fire of our being diminished. We are the authors both of our own beliefs, and of the health we are in, barring sheer bad luck or accident, or the genetic lottery for specific diseases. Even those can be mitigated in some if not many cases by better diet and exercise. Ulimately quality of life comes down to us and how we interact with ourselves and our circumstances.