Alice, while on one hand I very much value articles like this, on the other, there is a responsibility that you and I have as writers to make sure that we include thoughtful provisos that address the reality that not all foods are good for all people. To wit: turmeric and curcumin, along with onions and garlic, while good for many, can cause terrible issues in people with bleeding dysplasias. Hemophiliacs, and I am one, cannot eat these foods. While none of us can nor should we try to respond to every single potential idiosyncratic physical response to a food, it would be wise if we as writers point out that food iss medicine is food, and as such, we might want to do our due diligence to ensure that what may be healthy for the author may well be deadly or dangerous for others.
As I do with exercise, I have to recognize in my pieces that not everyone can do sports or have access to a gym. All it takes is a single sentence, which acknowledges that this doesn’t work for everyone, and that Dear Reader is responsible for the legwork to find out. Just a thought. I’ve seen a lot of pieces on turmeric, it always strikes me that nobody seems to understand or research the potential side effects on people using blood thinners or who don’t clot normally. Please don’t read this as criticism; it’s a respectful request. Sometimes the reader needs to be asked to do more work. That’s all.